Sunday, June 6, 2010

‘C’ – For Curves…In All The Right Places

I should have my knuckles grated for having taken so long to get round to writing this, but here it is, finally. Sorry Ermelo VW.

When last could you honestly say that you knew of a four door sedan that was sexy? And I’m not talking about Aston Martin Rapide sexy; I’m talking about the sexy that is within every man’s reach. I might very well have the answer, and a damn good one at that.

It’s called the VW CC. And it’s got so many curves; it makes Beyonce look like an ironing board…

From the outside the CC is a symphony of lines and curves. The beautiful thing about its curves is that they never abruptly end, one line flows into the next, and then into the next and so it continues until you’ve walked a full circle around the car admiring its beauty. And because it’s a Coupe, even the roof line is a rising and sweeping piece of art.

Open the door and the first signs of why it’s a Coupe become apparent. There are no pillars around the door. Something I still need to get used to. Then you see the interior, and that’s when it gets a bit confusing. See, this is the CCs party trick; it has the gorgeous styling of a Coupe, but the practicality of a four door sedan. How ingenious. And here’s my problem, I’ve run out of adjectives to describe VW interiors. To call it pretty is an insult, to say its well built is an understatement and to call them comfortable is missing the point.
So I’ll just brush over it. Everything falls to hand; there is wooden trim and chrome accents everywhere. It all feels so expensive, and exclusive. Staring the car alone is an event. You push the key into the slot on the dash and the needles on the Speedo and rev counter run up and down their analogue faces, and then it all comes alive. But it isn’t the rumble of a V8, nor the snarl of a V6 you hear…it’s a diesel. But that’s okay…it is in fact, very okay.
The CC has the tried and trusted 2.0 litre TDI, and what an engine. On tap you have 125kW and 350Nm. I will confess that this is the first time I have driven a car with this motor in it, and I love it. There is no drama what so ever. You can cruise along at town speed for ages and love it, or you can push the gear selector into ‘manual’, find the paddles behind the steering wheel, tug on the left hand one twice and brace yourself as the mountain load of torque quickly swaps your kidneys around. On the fly, the CC becomes a nimble, dare I say it, almost sports Coupe. Granted, it is a bit heavy, and you do feel it a bit in the corners, but wow…what a machine.

I guess the thing about the CC is it offers you the best of so many worlds, and its starts at around the R350 000 mark. This means that it’s peeing squarely on the front door mat of the Merc C class and the BMW 3 Series. I mean really, deciding which one to buy is like deciding whether to buy mushrooms from Checkers, Pick ‘n Pay or Spar. At the end of the day, they will all suffice your desire, but maybe the CCs packaging is what will make it look like the better deal, and therefore might just taste that much better. I know I’m hooked.

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